LAIDEE 2017 Winter Live series, inspired by the Spanish artist Dourone's "Happinss foretell Music Prophecy" series of graffiti works, the use of flexible and free color lines, showing the beauty of abstract art. The series seeks to "make visible intangibles and cannot be a law," and explores the urban space where the phenomenon of life itself feeds back on artistic creation, deconstructs people's dependence on modern pop culture, and uses abstract collage designs. Localized embellishments on the fabric are interesting and not unexpected. Whether it is a catwalk show or a casual mix-and-match, these clothes will create a visual experience with an artistic personality. As an extension of the 2017 autumn and winter theme, LAIDEE The Living Series encourages individuals to release the imagination of unrestrained, unrestrained smearing of the colors of life, to create and discover the purport of life.
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