Small chest girls wear underwear was chest? Fitted chest wear underwear recommended

Busty beauty chest is that each sister paper want to have, but not every sister paper are born with such advantages, and some may even be flat chest! Then chest is not impossible to save it? of course not! As long as the election on the underwear , MM flat chest can also pierce the attractive career line, filling the sexy feminine Oh ~


In fact, the reason why many flat chest sister paper chest does not look plump, because there are drooping or external expansion of such a problem, this time as long as we choose a good bra to gather results, we can make our chest significantly larger , Such as the black bra in the above picture is good, side widened design with high chicken heart collar design so that the effect of gathers excellent, closed his deputy milk heal the fat, it would naturally appear chest big.

小胸女生穿什么内衣显胸大? 适合平胸穿的内衣推荐

Of course, if you think the black is a bit monotonous, then you can try other colors, such as the light purple and black stitching underwear on the map is not bad, side widening design to help us absorb the milk and also the perfect bearing Care of the chest, to improve the problem of sagging naturally can be significant chest, in fact, as long as wearing underwear, flat chest MM has become a big breast may yo! (Photo source: bamboo spring underwear)

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