Tourmaline, also known as tourmaline, is a borosilicate crystal and can contain elements such as aluminum, iron, magnesium, sodium, lithium, and potassium. It is because of these chemical elements that tourmaline can present a wide variety of colors. What are the colors of tourmaline?
Blue tourmaline (Indicolite): a general term for light blue to deep blue tourmaline. Blue tourmaline is now the most valuable color in the tourmaline because it is rare. Blue tourmaline is produced in the yellow clay of Russian Siberian weathered granite, also in Brazil, Madagascar and the United States.
Rubelite: A general term for pink to red tourmalines. Red is the best of the tourmaline with purple and rose red, and it is called the red tourmaline. In China, there is the name of “baby faceâ€. However, the natural world produces more brown, maroon, and deep red, and the color tone changes greatly. At the same time, the proportion of tourmaline will vary with color; the proportion of deep red is greater than that of pink.
Brown tourmaline (Dravite): darker in color, rich in chemical element magnesium. Brown tourmalines are mostly produced in Sri Lanka, the three countries of North America, Brazil and Australia. (The English name for brown tourmaline originates from the Dreve region of Austria.
Achroite: Colorless tourmaline is very rare, with only a small amount of production in Madagascar and California. It should be noted that some colorless tourmalines in the market are made by heating and bleaching pink tourmaline. (The English name for colorless tourmaline is derived from the ancient Greek word "achroos", meaning colorless)
Green Tourmaline: Green and yellow tourmalines are the most common of all tourmaline color variants, so they are also less valuable than blue and red tourmalines. Green tourmalines are prolific in Brazil, Tanzania and Namibia, while yellow is distributed in Sri Lanka.
Multicolor Tourmaline: Because the tourmaline ribbon is very developed, red, green, two-color or three-color ribbons often appear on a crystal. Commonly known as red and green gems, commonly known as Watermelon Tourmaline, are popular with collectors and consumers alike.
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