The EU issues consumer warnings on the quality of Chinese-made children's clothes

The European Commission's Rapid Alert on Non-Food Systems (RAPEX) warns consumers about "Play Zone" children's clothing from China. The notified country of the case is Finland. Bulletin refers to the children's clothing for the baby skirt, model Art no. Style 398. The formaldehyde content in this product exceeds the requirement of Finnish law that the formaldehyde content in clothing of children under 2 years old is less than 30mg / kg and the content of formaldehyde in clothing which is in direct contact with the skin is less than 100mg / k, which is considered to exist in the chemical Danger. In addition, the product is also sewn at the waist rope, does not meet the requirements of the EU standard EN14682, is considered a risk of injury. At present, the Finnish government has ordered the sale of the product to cease. To this end, China Trade Relief Information Network recommends that domestic production and export enterprises attach great importance to this.